"Nem kell annak a pedagógusnak továbbképzési kötelezettségét teljesítenie, aki betöltötte 55. életévét. Azt a pedagógust, aki a hétévente kötelező 120 órás pedagógus továbbképzést nem teljesíti, állásából elküldheti a munkaadója. " tovább>>
Although the manufacturer has pealcd a cleaning label for wet wash. Dry cleaning will lengthen the life of the pants 2-3 times longer. Dry cleaning does not expand the fibers or cause any stress as wet washing does. The color will stay vibrant longer in dry cleaning versus water. The bonus is we will also press them for you so you don’t have to dig out the iron! (if you do iron them yourself the Lycra will go shiny under high heat, use a damp towel to press!)I would recommend dry cleaning your “good” pants. Although it costs a bit more the expense is recovered in longevity of the clothing!Thank You for Choosing to Clean Green!
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